Empath Health Blog, Jim Andrews

Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews

Business Insider periodically posts an article titled, “The 10 most important things in the world right now.”  The news items which make the list involve things like global economic trends, the refugee crisis in Syria, landmark scientific discoveries and other momentous happenings in all parts of our world.

There is something, however, that never seems to make the list which some might argue is the pivotal issue upon which our very survival as a species depends.  The cultivation of our souls.  The systematic, intentional, and concerted effort to develop compassion, forgiveness, equanimity, generosity, and welcome within ourselves.

If we want to impact our families, or our organization, or our community, or our world for the better; we must begin with nurturing and growing our own souls.  For it will be “Great Souls” who will show us the way to reconcile broken relationships, or guide us in the ethical implementation of new technology, or help us create just economic and political systems, or inform us on how to be the best we can be for our patients, participants, and clients.

So, our challenge this week is to cultivate our souls.  It may just be the most important thing in the world right now.

Have a great week, everyone!