by Mark Spencer | Jan 16, 2017 | Sin categorizar
Every so often, the world is blessed with someone who possesses the strength of character, the unshakable determination, and clarity of vision to move us forward in our pursuit of a more just and peaceful world. Today, we celebrate such a person as we honor and...
by Candyl Eyster | Dec 12, 2016 | ASAP Feed, HIV, Media Coverage, Sin categorizar
Greg Stemm was diagnosed with HIV in 1992. A doctor told him they shouldn’t expect to live much more than a few years. Stemm, of Gulfport, was 31 at the time. He now calls his survival a miracle. On Saturday, he walked for all those who didn’t survive at...
by Candyl Eyster | Nov 8, 2016 | Sin categorizar
November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month:ย Know Your Options. Palliative care is the medical specialty focused on the relief of symptoms associated with serious illness and hospice care is palliative care applied to patients nearing the end of life. One...
by Candyl Eyster | Sep 19, 2016 | Sin categorizar
One of my favorite old sayings goes like this: When you are born You cry and the world rejoices Live your life in such a way That when you die The world cries and you rejoice! Such a wonderful turn of phrase and such a beautiful sentiment. To die with no regrets,...
by Candyl Eyster | Jul 18, 2016 | inspiration, Sin categorizar, Spiritual Care
So much of our suffering stems from either resisting an unavoidable unpleasant reality or trying to cling to something pleasant which is ephemeral. Consider these lines from poet, William Blake. He who binds to himself...
by Candyl Eyster | Jul 7, 2016 | caregiver, Health & Wellness, Prevention, Sin categorizar
With all that a healthcare provider must consider when caring for a patient, it may come as a surprise that hand hygiene is the single most important patient care practice one can perform in preventing healthcare-related infections. Did you know that hands are the...