Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
One of my favorite old sayings goes like this:
When you are born
You cry and the world rejoices
Live your life in such a way
That when you die
The world cries and you rejoice!
Such a wonderful turn of phrase and such a beautiful sentiment. To die with no regrets, leaving behind scores of people who mourn your departure. The big question comes from the middle line. “Live your life in such a way . . .” What does such a life look like? How should we live in order die with no regrets having impacted the lives of those around us in positive ways? And is this how I am living today?
These may very well be the most important questions we ever ask ourselves. Questions which invite us to deep reflection on the extent to which our daily living is consistent with our most cherished values. Questions which enable us to see needed course corrections and inspire us to live out the highest expression of ourselves.
On this Monday morning, so full of the promise of new beginnings, may we all envision and embody our very best.
Have a wonderful week!