Extended family sitting in tailgate of carSummer is here and you may be yearning for a fun and relaxing vacation. Traveling with a family member who has early Alzheimer’s disease is possible, as long as you plan ahead.


When you travel, it’s important to make your loved one feel comfortable away from home and to ensure his/her safety. Here are five things you can do on your trip from Today’s Caregiver newsletter:


  1. When preparing for bedtime during a hotel stay, secure the hotel room door.


  1. During your trip, maintain a daily routine as much as possible. This will help lessen confusion.


  1. Wake up at the same time each morning and go to bed at the same time each evening.


  1. Keep regular meal times.


  1. Have comfort items such as pillows, snacks and water readily available when you travel. This includes any kind of transportation including bus, train, car or airplane.


Click here to read the full article.


For more information on Alzheimer’s, visit your local Alzheimer’s Association online or call the 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900.


If you’re feeling challenged as a caregiver, join an Empath Health Caregiver Coffee Break group for support.