Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
Whatever our religious affiliation or lack thereof, many of us celebrate this season with the giving and receiving of gifts. We have “white elephant” exchanges and leave something nice in the mailbox for the mail carrier, and scramble for the hot toy of the year for our children and grandchildren.
The giving of a gift can demonstrate our generosity and our caring when we pick just the right thing for our loved one, and it is a wonderful thing to see their eyes light up with appreciation. As a matter of fact, it is pretty amazing what happens in our hearts when we put time and energy into thinking about what others might enjoy.
We find that our step is a little lighter and we are whistling along to the tune on the radio, and we are anticipating with joy the sights and the smells and the sounds and the tastes that this time with family and friends will bring.
May we recognize this season the gift of giving and determine to carry that into the new year!
Have a great week, everyone.