Assisted Living Partners
We know how important it is for you to achieve excellent survey results and the challenges care at the end of life for your residents can create during survey time. Our service promise includes:
- Partner with your facility to create a resident service plan communication tool for all hospice residents, providing evidence of effective collaboration for AHCA surveyors
- CEU offerings of pertinent education sessions and independent learning modules to include but not limited to:
– Care at the End of Life: Pain
– Care at the End of Life: Nutrition and Hydration
– Care at the End of Life: Honoring Choices with Advance Directives
– Care at the End of Life: Calm in the Midst of the Storm
– Care at the End of Life: The Dying Process
- Notice to ALF Administrator, or designee, of all Suncoast Hospice admissions as well as non-admissions within 24 hours of a referral to Suncoast Hospice
- Mandating Suncoast Hospice facility team managers attend an ALF Administrator Core Training within six months of hire to increase understanding of ALF regulations and how hospice presence in your facility can impact your adherence to regulatory compliance
- At your request, our staff and leadership will be available on site during your survey event to answer surveyors’ questions related to hospice residents
We know how important it is for your residents to achieve and maintain the highest quality-of-life standards as they approach end of life. Our service promise includes:
- Treating your residents with dignity and respect by promoting person-centered care practices
- Reducing your hospice resident’s severe pain level (7 or higher out of 10) to a comfortable level (5 or below) by the end of the fourth day of hospice care
- Recognizing each of your facility’s veterans by offering a specialized We Honor Veterans pinning ceremony upon your request
- Access to integrative therapies to include aromatherapy, pet therapy, Reiki and palliative arts music
- Evaluation of your hospice residents at least once a week by a hospice nurse, ensuring correct medications, medical supplies and equipment
We know how important it is to keep your residents in your facility by avoiding hospitalizations and re-hospitalizations. Our service promise includes:
- Offering episodic bedside nursing care in your facility for residents whose clinical condition, in accordance with Medicare clinical criteria, makes them eligible to receive symptom management support during a worsening of symptoms
- Offering episodic hospice inpatient care center placement providing symptom management for residents whose condition may otherwise result in a hospitalization or a re-hospitalization and facilitate the resident’s return to your assisted living facility as their condition permits
- 24/7 telephone access to hospice physicians for pain and symptom management consultations or acting as the hospice resident’s attending physician whenever requested by your resident or their family
We know how important it is for you to work with partners who understand your facility’s third party provider protocols and what issues may keep you up at night when partnering with a hospice provider. Our service promise includes:
- Development of customized facility profiles identifying your facility’s specific communication expectations for a successful partnership experience to include but not limited to the following:– Who to check with upon arrival and prior to departing your facility
– How to notify the ALF Administrator of hospice admissions, non-admissions and discharges
– Attendance at care plan meetings
– Weekly notification of hospice aide resident visit schedule
– Documentation protocols
- Providing all hospice staff and volunteers visiting your facility with your unique facility protocol to ensure procedural compliance when visiting your residents